This will be the placeholder for any documents of significance coming from the Conceptual Design/CSS/Supplemental EIS study processes, or any other relevant activity involved in the Connector freeway process. Unless otherwise noted, all documents are taken from the official Lafayette Connector Partners/LADOTD website. All documents were generated through
1) November 30, 2016 Open House Public Meeting — Display Boards for Presentation
2) November 30, 2016 Open House Public Meeting — Tier II Final Technical Memo Analysis
3) November 30, 2016 Open House Public Meeting — Potential Design Modifications (PDM’s) Analysis Findings
4) Evangeline Corridor Initiative — Final Charrette Report (with markup of proposed Elevated and Cut-and-Cover options refined by ECI/ETRT and analyzed by LADOTD & LCP) (from the Evangeline Corridor website)